Kodi, the open source home theater software developer, has announced that it is rebuilding its user forum after suffering a data breach in February. The breach was disclosed last week after a…
Tag: testing
MSI confirms cyber attack
Taiwanese PC manufacturer, MSI, has confirmed a cyber attack on its systems, after detecting “network anomalies.” The company did not provide any further details regarding the nature of the attack or if…
JavaScript sandbox library has vulnerability
The vm2 JavaScript sandbox library, commonly used in IDEs, code editors, and security tools, has a critical vulnerability (CVE-2023-29017) that allows threat actors to escape the sandbox and execute arbitrary code. The…
New Malware Targets Chromium-Based Browsers – VIDEO
A new malware named Rilide is targeting Chromium-based web browsers by masquerading as a Google Drive extension to steal cryptocurrency and sensitive data. Rilide has the ability to monitor browsing history, take…
OpenAI Faces Data Processing Limits
The Guarantor for the protection of personal data has decided to temporarily limit the processing of Italian users’ data by OpenAI, a US-based company that manages an artificial intelligence platform. Furthermore, the…
Is Programming Coming to an End? – VIDEO
Matt Welsh, a former professor of computer science at Harvard and founder of Fixie.ai, believes that large language models like ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot represent the beginning of the end of programming….
ISSUE – Broken Authentication
Xác thực và quản lý phiên bao gồm tất cả các khía cạnh của việc xử lý xác thực người dùng và quản lý các phiên hoạt động. Xác thực là một…
ISSUE – Broken Authentication
утентификация и управление сессиями включает в себя все аспекты обработки аутентификации пользователя и управления активными сессиями. Аутентификация – критически важный аспект этого процесса, но даже надежные механизмы аутентификации могут быть подорваны из-за…
ISSUE – Broken Authentication
L’autenticació i la gestió de sessions inclou tots els aspectes de la manipulació de l’autenticació d’usuari i la gestió de sessions actives. L’autenticació és un aspecte crític d’aquest procés, però fins i…
ISSUE – Broken Authentication
La autenticación y gestión de sesiones incluye todos los aspectos de manejo de la autenticación de usuario y la gestión de sesiones activas. La autenticación es un aspecto crítico de este proceso,…