Group-IB раскрыла детали партнерской программы ransomware Qilin, предлагающей аффилиатам от 80 до 85% от выкупных платежей, оставшиеся 15-20% идут операторам. Аффилиатам предоставляется административная панель для управления операциями, с разделами для целей, блогов,…
Tag: news
Khám phá Qilin Ransomware
Group-IB đã tiết lộ chi tiết về chương trình liên kết của ransomware Qilin, mà chương trình này cung cấp cho các đối tác giữa 80 và 85% số tiền chuộc, với…
Qilin Affiliates’ Payouts
Group-IB has revealed details about the affiliate program of Qilin ransomware, which offers affiliates between 80 and 85% of the ransom payments, with the remaining 15-20% going to the operators. Affiliates receive…
Descobrint Qilin Ransomware
Group-IB va revelar detalls sobre el programa d’afiliats del ransomware Qilin, que ofereix entre el 80 i el 85% dels pagaments de rescat als afiliats, amb la resta 15-20% per als operadors….
Qilin: Programa de Afiliados
Group-IB reveló detalles sobre el programa de afiliados del ransomware Qilin, que ofrece entre el 80 y el 85% de los pagos de rescate a los afiliados, con el restante 15-20% para…
Qilin Ransomware: Dettagli Programma Affiliato
Group-IB ha svelato dettagli sul programma di affiliati del ransomware Qilin, che offre agli affiliati tra l’80 e l’85% dei pagamenti del riscatto, con il restante 15-20% destinato agli operatori. Gli affiliati…
Critical Flaw Found in FortiOS and FortiGate VPNs
A new critical vulnerability has been discovered in FortiOS and FortiGate VPNs that could allow an attacker to gain access to sensitive information and take control of affected systems. The vulnerability, tracked…
CISA Warns of Active Exploitation of Critical Infrastructure Systems
CISA Warns of Active Exploitation of Critical Infrastructure SystemsThe US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has issued a warning regarding the active exploitation of critical infrastructure systems. The advisory indicates that…
Law Firms Face Increased Cyberattacks
Law firms are increasingly becoming targets for cybercriminals, who are looking to steal confidential information and use it for financial gain or extortion. These attacks are carried out through various tactics such…
Critical Flaw in Cisco IP Phone Series
A critical vulnerability has been discovered in the Cisco IP Phone Series that could allow attackers to remotely execute code and gain full control of the affected device. The vulnerability, tracked as…