Authentication-related vulnerabilities, previously known as Broken Authentication, have become a significant concern. This category now includes weaknesses in identification processes. Notable vulnerabilities in this realm include CWE-297, CWE-287, and CWE-384. Properly confirming…
Tag: hacking
Vulnerable and Outdated Components – VIDEO
Vulnerable Components pose a unique challenge in application security, as they lack mapped Common Vulnerability and Exposures (CVEs) and are often difficult to test. In this post, we will explore the impact…
Security Misconfiguration – VIDEO
Misconfigurations in application security can pose a significant risk to organizations, potentially leading to unauthorized access, data breaches, and exploitation. It is alarming to note that approximately 90% of applications undergo testing…
Security Logging and Monitoring Failures – VIDEO
In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, the significance of security logging and monitoring cannot be overstated. This category has risen to #3 in the OWASP Top 10 2021, highlighting its critical role…
Software and Data Integrity Failures – VIDEO
In the realm of cybersecurity, ensuring the verification of software updates, critical data, and CI/CD pipelines is of utmost importance. However, without the necessary safeguards, software and data integrity failures can pose…
Cuộc tấn công của Sandworm với WinRar vào mạng lưới Ukraina
Nhóm hacker người Nga được biết đến với tên gọi là ‘Sandworm’ đã được xác định là thủ phạm đứng sau cuộc tấn công vào mạng lưới nhà nước Ukraina, trong đó…
Attacco di Sandworm con WinRar alle reti ucraine
Il gruppo di hacker russo conosciuto come ‘Sandworm’ è stato identificato come colpevole di un attacco alle reti statali ucraine, dove hanno utilizzato WinRar per cancellare i dati dai dispositivi governativi. Il…
Atac de Sandworm amb WinRar a les xarxes ucraïneses
El grup de hackers rus conegut com a ‘Sandworm’ ha estat identificat com el culpable d’un atac a les xarxes estatals ucraïneses, on van utilitzar WinRar per esborrar dades dels dispositius governamentals….
Ataque de Sandworm con WinRar a las redes ucranianas
El grupo de piratería ruso conocido como ‘Sandworm’ ha sido identificado como el culpable detrás de un ataque a las redes estatales ucranianas, donde utilizaron WinRar para borrar datos de dispositivos gubernamentales….
Sandworm’s WinRar Attack on Ukrainian Networks
The Russian hacking group known as ‘Sandworm’ has been identified as the culprit behind an attack on Ukrainian state networks, where they used WinRar to erase data on government devices. The Ukrainian…