Los Componentes Vulnerables plantean un desafío único en la seguridad de las aplicaciones, ya que carecen de Vulnerabilidades y Exposiciones Comunes (CVE) mapeadas y a menudo son difíciles de probar. En esta…
Tag: hacking
Security Misconfiguration
Неправильные настройки в безопасности приложений могут представлять значительный риск для организаций и потенциально привести к несанкционированному доступу, утечкам данных и эксплуатации. Беспокойно отметить, что примерно 90% приложений подвергаются тестированию на такие уязвимости….
Security Misconfiguration
Các cấu hình sai trong bảo mật ứng dụng có thể tạo ra một mức độ rủi ro đáng kể đối với tổ chức, có thể dẫn đến truy cập trái phép,…
Security Misconfiguration
Le configurazioni errate nella sicurezza delle applicazioni possono rappresentare un rischio significativo per le organizzazioni, potenzialmente portando a accessi non autorizzati, violazioni dei dati e sfruttamenti. È allarmante notare che circa il…
Security Misconfiguration
Les configuracions incorrectes en la seguretat de les aplicacions poden representar un risc significatiu per a les organitzacions, amb el potencial de provocar accessos no autoritzats, filtracions de dades i explotació. És…
Security Misconfiguration
Las configuraciones incorrectas en la seguridad de las aplicaciones pueden representar un riesgo significativo para las organizaciones, potencialmente llevando a accesos no autorizados, brechas de datos y explotación. Es alarmante observar que…
Identification and Authentication Failures – VIDEO
Authentication-related vulnerabilities, previously known as Broken Authentication, have become a significant concern. This category now includes weaknesses in identification processes. Notable vulnerabilities in this realm include CWE-297, CWE-287, and CWE-384. Properly confirming…
Vulnerable and Outdated Components – VIDEO
Vulnerable Components pose a unique challenge in application security, as they lack mapped Common Vulnerability and Exposures (CVEs) and are often difficult to test. In this post, we will explore the impact…
Security Misconfiguration – VIDEO
Misconfigurations in application security can pose a significant risk to organizations, potentially leading to unauthorized access, data breaches, and exploitation. It is alarming to note that approximately 90% of applications undergo testing…
Security Logging and Monitoring Failures – VIDEO
In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, the significance of security logging and monitoring cannot be overstated. This category has risen to #3 in the OWASP Top 10 2021, highlighting its critical role…