The Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP) and Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR) were considered revolutionary advancements when they first appeared around ten years ago. However, their true potential has yet to be fully realized. In a conversation with experts from Cyware, a company that offers advanced TIP and SOAR services, it was disclosed that these technologies are now perfectly suited for defending hybrid cloud and multi-cloud networks.
The latest versions of TIP and SOAR have advanced capabilities, allowing them to comprehensively ingest and analyze threat feeds. The most significant improvement is the capability to strategically share this information. According to Willy Leichter from Cyware, sharing intelligence among organizations is essential for collective defense. For example, if a healthcare company is targeted by a new ransomware attack and alerts others, everyone becomes safer.
To facilitate the sharing of threat intelligence, Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs) play a critical role. These centers enable stakeholders in various industry sectors to effectively disseminate and exchange threat information.
While major providers like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud are enhancing their cloud-native security services, they still have limitations. According to Neal Dennis from Cyware, relying solely on these services is insufficient to protect against evolving cybersecurity threats.
The cybersecurity landscape is constantly evolving, and it is crucial to stay informed and updated. Byron V. Acohido, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, is committed to raising public awareness about how to maintain internet privacy and security.
Source: Thelastwatchdogs
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