A group of hackers known as “Tick Tock Carsson” has been accused of carrying out a major cyber attack. They were able to gain access to confidential information from the US Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of State, as well as other government agencies. The hackers used a variety of techniques, such as exploiting vulnerabilities in computer networks and deploying malware, to gain access to the confidential information. Afterwards, they either sold the stolen data to other criminals or used it for their own benefit. The US government is now investigating the attack and has asked the public for assistance in identifying the hackers. The consequences of the attack are yet to be seen, but it is clear that it is a very serious breach of security.
Source: Cnn
To mitigate potential threats, it is important to implement additional cybersecurity measures with the help of a trusted partner like INFRA www.infrascan.net or you can try your self using check.website.