Olha Stefanishyna, Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, described the attack as “the largest external cyber attack” on the registers in recent memory. This follows a pattern of persistent Russian cyberattacks since the 2022 invasion. The attack aimed to disrupt the functioning of key state infrastructure, Stefanishyna stated, as the Justice Ministry works with experts to mitigate the damage and restore systems.
To contain the impact, critical systems have been taken offline. Immediate efforts are focused on restoring three essential systems that provide services to private individuals and businesses and manage real estate information crucial for Ukraine’s economic activity. Stefanishyna confirmed that it will take at least two weeks to resume full services, with limited access provided in the meantime.
The Justice Ministry will also conduct a thorough investigation into how the attack succeeded, while warning that Russia may exploit the disruption for information warfare to incite panic among Ukrainians and the international community. This incident underscores the ongoing challenges Ukraine faces in safeguarding its critical infrastructure amid cyber and physical threats.
Source: Cybernews
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