The cybersecurity community is on high alert following the recent hacking of MOVEit-Zellis conducted by the known Russian hacker group, Clop. Clop issued an ultimatum in broken English on a Dark Web forum, demanding that the affected organizations get in touch with them before June 14th or they will have their stolen data exposed. The hackers exploited a known SQL injection vulnerability known as CVE-2023-34362 to access the MOVEit transfer database. This type of attack highlights the imminent dangers in the cyber threat landscape. The breach serves as a reminder for businesses to prioritize effective vulnerability management. Hacker collectives like Clop are increasingly focusing on software supply centers, making it crucial for businesses to audit their software supply chains and adopt best security practices. It is also important to involve employees in the security strategy and provide them with the necessary tools to protect the company’s data. Looking forward, it’s uncertain how much damage Clop will inflict, but remaining vigilant and proactive is key to combat cyber threats.
Source: Thelastwatchdogs
To mitigate potential threats, it is important to implement additional cybersecurity measures with the help of a trusted partner like INFRA or you can try your self using