Phineas Fisher, an anonymous hacker, has announced a groundbreaking initiative in the cybersecurity world. In a politically motivated move, Fisher is offering a substantial reward of up to $100,000 in cryptocurrency to fellow hackers who leak damaging information about global high-profile companies. The program, dubbed the “Hacktivist Bug Hunting Program,” aims to expose documents of public interest and shed light on the actions of these firms. Fisher’s targets include major players like NSO Group, an Israeli spyware vendor, and Halliburton, an American oil company. Additionally, mining and livestock companies in South America are reportedly on the list.
To ensure privacy, Fisher will pay the participating hackers in either Bitcoin or Monero, cryptocurrencies known for their secure and anonymous nature. In a manifesto, Fisher emphasized that the goal is not personal enrichment but rather to provide enough funds for hackers to sustain a decent living while using their skills for societal benefit.
The anonymity surrounding hacktivism has raised significant concerns. Despite the investigation into Fisher’s involvement in the 2015 Hacking Team breach, their true identity remains unknown. This recent bounty announcement has further ignited the debate on the accountability and trustworthiness of hacktivist actions.
Interestingly, another anonymous organization called the Unknown Fund made headlines by planning to donate $75 million in Bitcoin to startups focused on protecting personal data and ensuring anonymity.
The world of cybersecurity continues to evolve with these initiatives, blurring the lines between activism, ethics, and digital warfare
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