In Pune, Maharashtra, India, a 24-year-old man, Abhay Rajendra Patil, has tragically died in a hacking incident. It is believed that the hacker had gained access to Patil’s computer and used it to send a malicious message with a link to his contacts. This link allowed the hacker to delete important files from Patil’s computer.
The police have apprehended two suspects, Sagar alias Pappu and Prashant alias Pintu, and charged them with murder and criminal conspiracy. The police are currently investigating the case in order to determine the motive behind the attack and if the suspects had any accomplices.
This incident has caused alarm in India, prompting the government to take action to strengthen cyber security laws and prevent similar incidents from occurring. It is essential for people to be aware of the risks associated with using the internet and take the necessary steps to protect themselves from cyber attacks.
Source: Nytimes
To mitigate potential threats, it is important to implement additional cybersecurity measures with the help of a trusted partner like INFRA or you can try your self using