Neuralink, a company founded by Elon Musk, has received permission to start testing brain implants in humans. The implants, which are placed inside the skull, will be used to treat medical conditions such as depression, paralysis, and memory loss. The implants will be connected to a computer, allowing the user to control a device or computer with their thoughts.
Neuralink has been working on the technology for several years and has now received permission to begin testing it on humans. The implants will be placed in the skull and connected to a computer, which will interpret brain signals and allow the user to control a device or computer with their thoughts. The company hopes that the technology can help people with medical conditions such as depression, paralysis, and memory loss.
The tests will be conducted in a clinical setting and will be carried out in stages. The first stage will involve testing the technology on animals, and then the technology will be tested on humans. The company will closely monitor the results and ensure the technology is safe before it is released to the public.
Source: Ansa
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